Monday, September 28, 2009

Great work, everyone!!

I absolutely love what you're doing with your blogs!! Yes, it's been slow-going for some, yes there is some hand-holding that still needs to be done, and yes our deadlines have been met just under the wire in most cases ;-))

But you are truly "getting" the intention of the class and assignments. For that, I am grateful, as I know I picked a rather heady text for this class (but I'm doing my best to translate it into "real speak.")

As you move forward, be sure to answer all facets of our blog assignment questions, and be sure to have a critical eye toward bias and subjectivity, as that is our main focus this semester.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Here is my nomination...

One of many stories we could be hearing about, but don't -- the interesting twist is that this was actually reported by New York Times columnist Nick Kristoff in his blog...

I recently listened to interview with Nick and he is committed to bringing stories of global significance to wider audiences...

As for what not to read -- well, I'm not big on celebrity "news," so anything making the supermarket checkout stand is kind of a waste to me, lol!

More in class...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome, Everyone!

Okay, so I'm in on it, too -- here's my blog on our class.

Look for me to upload quirky items related to our course content throughout the semester :-)

I look forward to our collaborative efforts this semester!

-- Karly