Hi Everyone,
Great work on your Images and Ideologies posts as well as your Interpellating Images posts.
Now, most of you are on board & doing extremely well with your blog assignments, thank you very much! However for the few of you who are missing the whole blog experience, while I am indeed a benevolent dictator, we’re about midway through the semester. So…if your intention is to remain enrolled in the class, it’s imperative that you’re all on board at this point and blogging regularly. Please speak with me on Monday about your intentions and any issues that you may be experiencing. If you have any technical questions, Todd Conaway is your best resource (and of course, I’ll help you as well).
From here on out, you’ll need to upload your blog posts in two formats so I won’t be searching from blog to blog for them. My suggestion: Write your blog entry in Word, checking for spelling & grammatical errors, then save your document (preferably in rtf). Next – and these steps are crucial in order to earn credit for your posts: (1) copy & paste your blog entry on your actual blog, and (2) click on the “View/Complete Assignment” link under the appropriate chapter folder (remember, it’s under the Course Materials tab), then browse & upload your blog entry as an attachment. When you do this correctly, you will see a green exclamation point under the submitted assignment in the grade book. (Note: you do not have to attach your images unless for some reason, you were unable to post them to your blog.) Also, if for some reason, you are unable to post your attachment, please post a note to that effect before you click the “Submit” button for the particular assignment on Blackboard (that way, I’ll actually see your note and know where to look for your blog.)
This is my final notice on overdue/missing blog entries. (To see if you are missing blog entries & peer posts, click on the Grades/Tools tab on Blackboard to see any missing points.) I will accept missing blog entries and peer post entries -- everything that has been assigned to date in this class – without late penalties – until Friday, Oct. 9th at midnight. This is your final deadline on these assignments; I will not accept them after Friday. It is imperative that you let me know that you are submitting these late posts by clicking on the “View/Complete Assignment” button for each blog assignment on Blackboard or I will have no idea to look for them (& you won’t earn credit). For peer posts, simply note the names of the classmates that you responded to.
Although you have been earning 10 points for each blog post and 5 points for the two peer posts per chapter, there is a good chance that I may increase one or both of these point values in coming weeks. Thus, it’s absolutely essential that your blogs are up and available for everyone in the class to view and post on. If you need additional help, I can bring Todd Conaway back to class as your resource, let me know.
One final thought: please be thinking of your final projects – not only your topics, but how you would like to present your work. I am considering a technological option, so you won’t need to present your wiki/portfolio in person, but may record it via web cam, Tegrity or even Jing (thereby finishing your presentation as early as Thanksgiving Week and being all done!!) Please let me know if you’re interested in honing a new skill set I’ll explain more on Monday.
13 years ago